Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter Fun

These two love to run through the house up and down the stairs. They sure keep eachother busy!!

She was mad that there was snow on her glove...

We got a ton of snow this week!

Liv refuses to sit in her highchair unless she sees Julien sit in it first. And since he is not here very often, this is the way Liv eats dinner now...

Such Cute Cousins, I am so glad they have eachother!! Yes, I told them to give kisses, it is so cute!

By the way, We are having a BOY!! We are so excited! Now Olivia will have two buddies to keep her safe ;)

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1 comment:

suzy said...

Congratulations! How exciting to have one of each right from the get go. Now the pressure is off. And Liv is so dang cute!