I was "that" mom today. You know, the one with the child screaming at the top of their lungs, in the middle of the store when you only have a gallon of milk and eggs in the cart and a mile long list left to go. Everyone was looking at me like what in the world am I doing to her to make her so unhappy and could I just make her stop???? No, I was not giving in. Not this time. She was going to sit and be happy in the cart.
Olivia hates the cart. HATES it. For 45 minutes I made her sit in it today at Walmart without giving in. Fishy crackers, snacks, milk, gum? I tried hugging her, singing to her. It was quite the site I am sure. She wanted to get down. So, at the 45 minute mark, right before I burst into tears myself, I gave in, set her down on the floor and she stopped.
The rest of the trip I spent teaching her to stay right close to me, because she likes to run around. Along with trying to push my huge cart full of things and hold her at the same time. Then, when went to check out, I got an earful from the checker how letting her run around could be dangerous, someone could take her, she could trip or get lost or.....REALLY PEOPLE! ? I get it! So you aren't happy if I make her sit in the cart, and you aren't happy when she is running around.
I AM EXHAUSTED! I am NEVER shopping with that girl again. OK, not until next week when I am forced to go again. Hopefully she will be out of this stage soon. PLEASE LET IT BE SOON!
LOL! Yeah shopping is not fun with Connor either... lol
Hang in there! It only gets more exciting with two! :)
I always said I wouldn't be "that mom" who opens treats in the store to give to my kid to keep them happy, well guess what??? That is how I keep her entertained in the store!! So funny how different you look at things once you have a baby!
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